How to Stay Focused on Your Climbing Goals

Keeping the stoke high is essential to staying consistent so you can achieve your goals. Here are some top tips to help you do just that.
One of the most important things about any routine is that you actually do it. This applies to climbing training as well as all the other ways we try to reach our goals : one of the best ways to maintain consistency is to break tasks into small bites you will actually do.
Having trouble sticking with your training routines? You’re not alone. The struggle is real. Here are some tips to keep you motivated on training and set you up for success.

Keep It Real
If you have a lofty goal that sounds terrific in theory, but is practically impossible, you may be shooting yourself in the foot. Want to bump up a grade in a week? It’s not gonna happen. And the frustration you may feel at what sounds like “failure” will actually hurt your drive overall. Instead, set goals in small, measurable increments. Each time you reach a goal, your momentum will snowball until all those small victories add up to make a giant win.
Commit to a Regular Workout Time
“Study” yourself before you decide on a training time. And see when you are usually most physically active and energetic. Look, too, at when you are least likely to be pulled away from your training by other things that pop up in your life like work meetings or family needs. Set your training sessions up for that time of day. Add them to your calendar. And create a hard line around them that’s virtually unbreakable as part of your commitment to yourself.

Find a Strong Buddy to reach your goals
Working out with a buddy can definitely make the time pass more quickly. Plus, having another person there and on board with your goals will help you stay accountable and motivated to reach them. Also, this person should be in somewhat better shape than you are. According studies that prove something known as the Kohler effect, working out with someone who’s more capable than you consistently pushes you to train harder than you would if you are alone.
See also our 10 advices to be climb mentally strong