6 Tips to Beat Fatigue and improving energy levels

Do you struggle to make it through your day without feeling tired and run down? While fatigue like this may be common, it doesn’t make it any easier to deal with and there is no quicker way to sabotage your climbing training than heading into a session in a fatigued state.
To help, here’s an article by Aicacia Young of Climb Healthy about how you can avoid fatigue and stay energized throughout your day.
“Are you tired of fighting that 2 pm crash every day? Do you wish your energy levels were a little more stable throughout the day?”
“If so, you’re not alone! Find out how to beat fatigue and feel like yourself again with these six tips.” – Aicacia Young
In her article, Aicacia first describes exactly what fatigue is and then differentiates between temporary and chronic fatigue. Once she has done this, Aicacia gives you six tips to help you stay energized and stop feeling run down. They are:
- Eat
- Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
- Cut back on sugar and caffeine
- Address vitamin and mineral deficiencies
- Take an anaerobic probiotic
- Improve your sleeping habits
Click through bellow to check out the complete article where Aicacia discusses these six tips in depth. Also, if you are looking for more help improving your energy levels and maintaining a healthy diet, check out the Nutrition Guide Aicacia wrote. It’s full of helpful advice about how to most effectively fuel your climbing.
Read more : 6 Tips to Beat Fatigue
Articles certainement intéressant mais je ne maîtrise pas bien la langue anglaise
Bonjour Patrice,
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