IFSC postpones three climbing world cup competitions

IFSC postpones three world cup competitions scheduled in july. International Federation of Sport Climbing, along with the Fédération Française de la Montagne et de l’Escalade, the Swiss Alpine Club and the local Event Organisers, decided to officially postpone the IFSC World Cup competitions scheduled in July.
The three world cup were expected to take place as follows:
- The IFSC World Cup in Villars (SUI) from July 2 to 4
- IFSC World Cup in Chamonix (FRA) from July 11 to 13
- The IFSC World Cup in Briançon (FRA) from July 18 to 19
The deadline for a decision on the three Lead competitions of the 2020 IFSC Season was set on May 1st. But due to the current conditions caused by the pandemic of COVID-19 it became already clear that those three competitions could not be held. Indeed, on April 13, French President Emmanuel Macron extended the national ban on large public gatherings until mid-July.

The decision, ratified during today’s IFSC Executive Board teleconference meeting, comes after the Boulder season – with competitions scheduled in Meiringen (SUI), Wujiang (CHN), Chongqing (CHN), Seoul (KOR), Munich (GER) and Innsbruck (AUT) – was also postponed to a later date.
According to the plan released on April 6, a decision about the IFSC Youth World Championships in Voronezh (RUS) – the only IFSC competition provisionally scheduled in August – is due to be taken within June 1st.
IFSC President Marco Scolaris said
“In my mind I have pictures of the many, many fans attending our competitions in Switzerland and France. And my heart is bleeding. Next July, they won’t be able to cheer for their favorite athletes and heroes. And this proves once again how much we have to commit ourselves to protect each other, in order to recover as quickly as possible. And be able to go climbing again. For the moment, we move step by step and we keep the faith. Better days will come.”