9 Reasons Why More Women Should Strength Train

strength train women climbing

You may think your genetics determine how you look. But that’s not the whole picture. You have a lot more control over your physique than you realize. Strength train, especially in climbing, is one of the most effective ways to take that control. Unfortunately, it is often misunderstood by women, with the all-to-common misconception of “getting bulky.”

The truth is that strength train offers the exact opposite of that. Strength training helps you sculpt a leaner, more defined figure, enhance your natural curves. In a nutshell, build a strong, healthy metabolism to burn and keep fat off your body for good. And the good new is that climbing can help a lot for that 😉

Strength train to build muscles

Strength training is a form of exercise designed to build and enhance the strength and size of your muscles. When you lift weights, you create small tears in your muscle fibers, which are then repaired by your body as you rest to become stronger and larger—this process is known as hypertrophy.

Attractive fit woman works out with dumbbells as a fitness concept

Strength train engages the natural adaptation pathways in our body to adapt to physical challenges by making your muscles stronger and larger (therefore more visible) over time. Contrary to popular belief, strength training doesn’t increase the number of muscle fibers you have. Nor does it make most women look bulky. The idea that lifting weights leads to an overly muscular appearance stems from a misunderstanding of how muscle growth works in women.

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Women naturally have much lower levels of testosterone, the hormone primarily responsible for significant muscle growth, compared to men. This hormonal difference means that, for women, it’s just not in our hormonal profile for our muscles to become big and bulky without the use of anabolic steroids, extreme training programs (2 times a day training sessions) and a huge, caloric intake.

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