Therapy gloves review

Recognizing the need to seek alternative ways of fingers care, the Slovenian climber Domen Škofic, one of the world’s best climbers, recently developed the Therapy Glove, very interesting for the rehabilitation or prevention of climbing injuries. An accessory that La Fabrique Verticale had the chance to test this summer. Verdict.
Domen Skofic has invested several years in the development of medical equipment for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. His fingers are put to the test in competition and care for them is not a luxury. Trying various more or less satisfactory gadgets, Domen improved prototypes and ultimately it led to the Therapy Glove.
The Therapy Glove is currently used by members of the National Team Climbing Slovenia, in particular by rising star Janja Garnbret (World Champion 2016 and the leader of the senior climbing World Cup in 2016). The Therapy Glove is also used under medical supervision in a rehabilitation center in Slovenia.
The Therapy Gloves, what is it?
As the name suggests, the Therapy Glove is a glove or rather a sort of bag in which the climber slips to perform different exercises to mobilize the fingers and wrist. It appears as a small circular pad with a diameter of about 20 cm, convenient to carry. This cushion is filled with granules, which will provide resistance to the movement and beside giveing a nice additional massage.
Once the hand is inside, a cord on the wrist is tightened a cord and the glove is closed by Velcro to prevent the balls from escaping. It is quite functional, although it must be closed with one hand – not easy but doable. Finishing it the exercises can begin. The Therapy Glove comes in two sizes, S and L. It also has a small pocket on top in which there is a soft plastic accessory called Finger Gum for activation of the extensor muscles.
The principle
In principle, the Therapy Glove allows a joint mobilization and strengthening the muscles involved in flexion and extension of the fingers or wrist. According to made movements that can be multidirectional, joints and the forearm muscles will be approached in different ways and handling of granules also have a positive effect on proprioception.
Those who, like me, were operated with a total pulley rupture and which experienced a period of rehabilitation following surgery and immobilization, may remember kneading rice grains or pasta shells that offer physiotherapists in these cases … with Therapy Glove, the principle is the same except that it is much more practical from point of view of transportation and storage.
As part of the rehabilitation, the use of the Therapy Glove helps improve trophicity and decrease pain. It allows to regain range of motion and muscle volume to the level prior to the injury. Used in a preventive sense, it induces a comprehensive work that improves the interaction between different muscle groups and increase sensations. Faster the movements will be carried out, the greater the resistance resistance will be.
How to use Therapy Gloves?
This video by the manufacturer shows the various exercises that can be achieved with the Therapy Glove: flexion / extension movements of the fingers, wrist rotational movements in one direction and in the other, inching movements, etc.
Where to buy Therapy Glove?
Information on the manufacturer’s Facebook page