Sportividacasa : share your home workouts

hangboarding sportividacasa training home corornavirus covid-19

Sportividacasa (aka how to keep on training during the quarantine) 😉 We know that for every outdoor lover living in lockdown is pretty hard. But we know that this is the right thing to do at the moment.⁠

To make this new time running faster, from today until April 3, La Sportiva will share with you daily contents created by the athletes and ambassadors, videos and articles you may have missed in the past.⁠ Don’t forget to share also with us your home workouts and your rediscovered hobbies to be featured in our channels, tagging @lasportivagram and #sportividacasa #sportiviathome

You can also tag #lafabriqueverticale 😉 As we also plan to share on our Instagram some training exercices possible at home ! Please, stay at home as much as possible. This is a difficult moment and we are the only ones who can do something to stop the Coronavirus from spreading.

We have to stop underestimating this crisis, thinking that we’re immune to the virus or that it’ll never reach where we’re living. Stop go climbing outdoors, stay train at home, #sportividacasa, #sportiviathome 😉 Unfortunately the problem is far more serious than initially thought. And we must try to stop it now, for ourselves and for everyone else.

Please, Sportividacasa : stay home, train home !

We must do something now and the best thing we can do is stay at home. We have to make a concerted effort to see as few people as possible and follow all the guidelines we’ve been given carefully, not because they’ve been imposed on us but because we’ve understood how important they really are and accepted them for the greater good.

It’s hard to stay at home if you’re a climber. The gyms are closed. Perhaps it’s OK to go to the crag as long as they’re not too crowded. They’re close to home and you’re even more careful than normal. Because should an accident happen, this would just put the hospitals under even greater pressure at a moment when they’re teetering at their limit.

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